An interface to Twitter's undocumented API.

  • Reusing Scraper objects is recommended to minimize the time spent authenticating unnecessarily.


  • Creates a new Scraper object.

    • Scrapers maintain their own guest tokens for Twitter's internal API.
    • Reusing Scraper objects is recommended to minimize the time spent authenticating unnecessarily.


    Returns Scraper


  • Clear all cookies for the current session.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Fetches list tweets from Twitter.


    • listId: string

      The list id

    • maxTweets: number

      The maximum number of tweets to return.

    • Optionalcursor: string

      The search cursor, which can be passed into further requests for more results.

    Returns Promise<QueryTweetsResponse>

    A page of results, containing a cursor that can be used in further requests.

  • Fetches profile followers from Twitter.


    • userId: string

      The user whose following should be returned

    • maxProfiles: number

      The maximum number of profiles to return.

    • Optionalcursor: string

      The search cursor, which can be passed into further requests for more results.

    Returns Promise<QueryProfilesResponse>

    A page of results, containing a cursor that can be used in further requests.

  • Fetches following profiles from Twitter.


    • userId: string

      The user whose following should be returned

    • maxProfiles: number

      The maximum number of profiles to return.

    • Optionalcursor: string

      The search cursor, which can be passed into further requests for more results.

    Returns Promise<QueryProfilesResponse>

    A page of results, containing a cursor that can be used in further requests.

  • Fetches profiles from Twitter.


    • query: string

      The search query. Any Twitter-compatible query format can be used.

    • maxProfiles: number

      The maximum number of profiles to return.

    • Optionalcursor: string

      The search cursor, which can be passed into further requests for more results.

    Returns Promise<QueryProfilesResponse>

    A page of results, containing a cursor that can be used in further requests.

  • Fetches tweets from Twitter.


    • query: string

      The search query. Any Twitter-compatible query format can be used.

    • maxTweets: number

      The maximum number of tweets to return.

    • searchMode: SearchMode

      The category filter to apply to the search. Defaults to Top.

    • Optionalcursor: string

      The search cursor, which can be passed into further requests for more results.

    Returns Promise<QueryTweetsResponse>

    A page of results, containing a cursor that can be used in further requests.

  • Retrieves all cookies for the current session.

    Returns Promise<Cookie[]>

    All cookies for the current session.

  • Fetch the profiles that follow a user


    • userId: string

      The user whose followers should be returned

    • maxProfiles: number

      The maximum number of profiles to return.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Profile, void>

    An AsyncGenerator of profiles following the provided user.

  • Fetch the profiles a user is following


    • userId: string

      The user whose following should be returned

    • maxProfiles: number

      The maximum number of profiles to return.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Profile, void>

    An AsyncGenerator of following profiles for the provided user.

  • Fetches the most recent tweet from a Twitter user.


    • user: string

      The user whose latest tweet should be returned.

    • includeRetweets: boolean = false

      Whether or not to include retweets. Defaults to false.

    • max: number = 200

    Returns Promise<null | void | Tweet>

    The Tweet object or null/undefined if it couldn't be fetched.

  • Fetches liked tweets from a Twitter user. Requires authentication.


    • user: string

      The user whose likes should be returned.

    • maxTweets: number = 200

      The maximum number of tweets to return. Defaults to 200.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Tweet>

    An AsyncGenerator of liked tweets from the provided user.

  • Fetches a Twitter profile.


    • username: string

      The Twitter username of the profile to fetch, without an @ at the beginning.

    Returns Promise<Profile>

    The requested Profile.

  • Fetches the current trends from Twitter.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    The current list of trends.

  • Fetches a single tweet.


    • id: string

      The ID of the tweet to fetch.

    Returns Promise<null | Tweet>

    The Tweet object, or null if it couldn't be fetched.

  • Fetches tweets from a Twitter user.


    • user: string

      The user whose tweets should be returned.

    • maxTweets: number = 200

      The maximum number of tweets to return. Defaults to 200.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Tweet>

    An AsyncGenerator of tweets from the provided user.

  • Fetches tweets and replies from a Twitter user.


    • user: string

      The user whose tweets should be returned.

    • maxTweets: number = 200

      The maximum number of tweets to return. Defaults to 200.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Tweet>

    An AsyncGenerator of tweets from the provided user.

  • Fetches tweets and replies from a Twitter user using their ID.


    • userId: string

      The user whose tweets should be returned.

    • maxTweets: number = 200

      The maximum number of tweets to return. Defaults to 200.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Tweet, void>

    An AsyncGenerator of tweets from the provided user.

  • Fetches tweets from a Twitter user using their ID.


    • userId: string

      The user whose tweets should be returned.

    • maxTweets: number = 200

      The maximum number of tweets to return. Defaults to 200.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Tweet, void>

    An AsyncGenerator of tweets from the provided user.

  • Fetches all tweets matching the given query.


    const timeline = scraper.getTweets('user', 200);
    const retweets = await scraper.getTweetsWhere(timeline, { isRetweet: true });


    • tweets: AsyncIterable<Tweet>

      The AsyncIterable of tweets to search through.

    • query: TweetQuery

      A query to test all tweets against. This may be either an object of key/value pairs or a predicate. If this query is an object, all key/value pairs must match a Tweet for it to be returned. If this query is a predicate, it must resolve to true for a Tweet to be returned.

      • All keys are optional.
      • If specified, the key must be implemented by that of Tweet.

    Returns Promise<Tweet[]>

  • Fetches the first tweet matching the given query.


    const timeline = scraper.getTweets('user', 200);
    const retweet = await scraper.getTweetWhere(timeline, { isRetweet: true });


    • tweets: AsyncIterable<Tweet>

      The AsyncIterable of tweets to search through.

    • query: TweetQuery

      A query to test all tweets against. This may be either an object of key/value pairs or a predicate. If this query is an object, all key/value pairs must match a Tweet for it to be returned. If this query is a predicate, it must resolve to true for a Tweet to be returned.

      • All keys are optional.
      • If specified, the key must be implemented by that of Tweet.

    Returns Promise<null | Tweet>

  • Fetches the user ID corresponding to the provided screen name.


    • screenName: string

      The Twitter screen name of the profile to fetch.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The ID of the corresponding account.

  • Returns if the scraper has a guest token. The token may not be valid.

    Returns boolean

    true if the scraper has a guest token; otherwise false.

  • Returns if the scraper is logged in as a real user.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    true if the scraper is logged in with a real user account; otherwise false.

  • Login to Twitter as a real Twitter account. This enables running searches.


    • username: string

      The username of the Twitter account to login with.

    • password: string

      The password of the Twitter account to login with.

    • Optionalemail: string

      The email to log in with, if you have email confirmation enabled.

    • OptionaltwoFactorSecret: string

      The secret to generate two factor authentication tokens with, if you have two factor authentication enabled.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Log out of Twitter.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Fetches profiles from Twitter.


    • query: string

      The search query. Any Twitter-compatible query format can be used.

    • maxProfiles: number

      The maximum number of profiles to return.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Profile, void>

    An AsyncGenerator of tweets matching the provided filter(s).

  • Fetches tweets from Twitter.


    • query: string

      The search query. Any Twitter-compatible query format can be used.

    • maxTweets: number

      The maximum number of tweets to return.

    • searchMode: SearchMode = SearchMode.Top

      The category filter to apply to the search. Defaults to Top.

    Returns AsyncGenerator<Tweet, void>

    An AsyncGenerator of tweets matching the provided filters.

  • Set cookies for the current session.


    • cookies: (string | Cookie)[]

      The cookies to set for the current session.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Sets the optional cookie to be used in requests.


    • _cookie: string

      The cookie to be used in requests.

    Returns Scraper

    This scraper instance.

    This function no longer represents any part of Twitter's auth flow.

  • Sets the optional CSRF token to be used in requests.


    • _token: string

      The CSRF token to be used in requests.

    Returns Scraper

    This scraper instance.

    This function no longer represents any part of Twitter's auth flow.